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Do I need to tip the chauffeur?
Do I need to tip the chauffeur?
Andrea avatar
Written by Andrea
Updated over a year ago

Prices shown on our website include the tip for all our chauffeurs worldwide. This way, you can be sure you’re receiving world-class service with every ride you book.

However, as a guest you're free to further tip your chauffeur cash on site. This will surely be highly appreciated! Tipping is a fantastic gesture and has the potential to make your experience unforgettable. With that in mind, we hope that you'll consider tipping your chauffeur as a sign of gratitude for their great work.

We understand that each guest’s financial situation may be different, so it’s always up to your discretion when it comes to tipping your chauffeur. Any tip received by our chauffeurs will help further their devotion to excellent customer service and ensure they’re taking the best care of you.

We hope that you have an enjoyable and safe ride!

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