Reimbursement Policy for Multi-City Bookings
If you make an hourly booking with a chauffeur that ends in a different city from the pickup location, you may be charged for the additional distance it takes for the chauffeur to return to their city of origin. This additional charge is an effort on our part to make sure the chauffeur is reimbursed for their time and effort.
How is this Reimbursement Calculated
In the event that you make an hourly booking with a chauffeur ending in a different city from the pickup location, we will calculate the additional charge based on the distance of the return journey. The return journey distance calculation is based on the chauffeur's location tracking data.
Additional Considerations
It is important to note that all reimbursement payments will be made directly to the chauffeur.
If you have any further questions regarding reimbursement payments, please contact our customer service team for assistance. We hope this article has been helpful in explaining our reimbursement policies for multi-city bookings.